with a
Trigger Warning
Unapologetically Honest
In our world, the truth is our default setting.
In your world, the truth is rude, disrespectful and foolish.
Welcome to Catinasway where I focus on the social difficulties of women late diagnosed.
Can you handle the truth?
I no longer debate with anyone about anything. Especially being late diagnosed. If you are not a BIPOC female, extremely sensitive living with undiagnosed mental health symptoms, raised by a rejecting family, scapegoated, befriended people who reflect your family’s lack of care and true interest. Horrible dating life, set up to look foolish by caregivers and employers; despite your loyalty reliability that you never received it in return. Have been isolated, ostracized, lied on, verbally and emotionally abused. Consistently attract manipulative and harmful energies who often group together to single you out. Despite all of the intentional hurt and humiliation your still empathetic, kind and loyal. You do not live for revenge or become a “hurt person that hurt people”, You deal with your own pain and do not inflict it upon others. People treat you like your stupid when you're really the smartest in the room, you survived relentless toxic caregivers / co-workers, employers, who will go to any length to tear down your reputation to strangers and people who know you so the truth of their nature and actions will never be known. Bullied by family members, employers and associates in public because your non-threatening spirit and demeanor is mistaken for naivete that makes you a target for their constant effort to manipulate you. These are people who will destroy themselves in an effort to destroy you because you are everything they will never be and even if they don't want to be like you, these individuals don't want to see you happy being you. They work hard to darken your loving heart, they need to see the pain they feel on you. Despite all, you completed your education in the healing arts. You are unique and great at what you do. You chase and achieve your goals no matter what others think or say. You don’t last at one job for more than 3 years. You likely have gone through countless jobs because colleagues and supervising staff are not able to control and manipulate you emotionally. If they are, it is short lived. Office politics are foreign to you no matter how much you witness others group together (group think) and act as one even to their own detriment.
There’s more…
You survived being betrayed by those placed in your life to protect you since childhood. People who have more than you (friends, family, money, status etc., treat you with contempt) because you're not like them and you don't want to be like them so you choose to be alone in peace. Through all of this you find success in education where you shine bright only because no one can prove you to be anything less than brilliant.
“They can't compete where they don’t compare, this is why we like it there.” (lol). (this is a joke)
After all these years, I'll never get used to the fact that being an introvert triggers controlling people. Majority of my life has been spent wishing that I just don't wake up. I had nothing left but God and most of the time God seemed to side with my enemies and kept them strong and in a position to oppress me. On the other hand, I have been given the gift to see my enemies get served Karma. Shameful, shameful karma. The type of Karma one wants to take to the grave.
Here I am, an Independent Clinical Social Worker , licensed in five states, I'm a state approved supervisor in some states. I'm unique and among the best at what I do. After all of this, I TRULY help people in a unique way because of the way I'm made. So, I do not engage and tolerate being challenged about my diagnosis. I only accept respect for what I do and who I help. I say what I want about this population because literally: I represent who I advocate for.
“I’m not for everyone, I’m definitely an acquired taste”
I’m kind, caring, honest and solution oriented. Many clients have told me that our sessions feels more like a conversation instead of “therapy”. In my lifetime thus far, I have developed a way of communicating and utilizing evidenced based theories and interventions. I find it to be very effective yet different from many of my colleagues. This is how the name Catinasway came to be. My motto is":
“You've tried your way; you've tried their way. Now try Catinasway. It's time you win.”
“ If you have a problem with what I do than I’m not the one for you”
I respect and i’m supportive of the needs of all people on the spectrum. However, the only group I am a vocal advocate for is Women who are late diagnosed. This population is my niche and I’m unapologetic about it. To help one understand my goal and focus, I share this example with you.
I personally prefer male gynecologists. However, when it comes to understanding my relationship with my body, I trust women gynecologist. My reasoning is that a male physician could have the best of the best education, he can come from a family of physicians that have a wealth of experience and are phenomenal providers. No matter what anyone tells me: A man could never understand the experience of being a woman and living as a woman with the concerns a female has about her reproductive symptoms throughout her life cycle. This is how I see myself as a mental health provider with Aspergers. There are many organizations and professionals who have done historic work for the community. I’m the only person I know on the spectrum , who match my demographics.
After I wrote the article utilizing my unique attributes, many others followed suit. I see so many articles about being Black and on the Spectrum dated months after January 2020. This is a huge deal and i am fully aware of it. This is why I will present the information I have gathered over the years any way that I like. There is no one else who is like me that able to communicate the way I do about this subject so who ever does not like the terms I use, move on to a site and the people your comfortable with. Women like me have abosolutely NO ONE. So don’t get in the way.
“ If you have a problem with what I do than I’m not the one for you”. Move on peacefully. Thank You in advance.